Wednesday, June 16, 2010

How To Think Like Leonardo.

Im currently reading a book titled, "How To Think Like Leonardo da Vinci, Seven Steps To Genius Every Day," by Michael J. Gelb. Great book to read when in a slump or just cuz ya like Leo. Thought Id share an exercise or two in this blog. In part two, it asks you to ponder 10 questions. The first one is: When am I most naturally myself? What people, places, and activities allow me to feel most fully myself?
I am most myself during more than just one thing happening, all of them equal. In nature, in a lush green setting, especially in my garden. The weather though, is important for my enjoyment. It must be cooler, clean, and fresh. All bets are off in weather above 80". I have some weird disorder dealing with sun, heat, and humidity. Growing plants from seed to tree gives me great pleasure. I am most like myself around my boyfriend, who allows me to be me, no matter what or who Im channeling. I am not that way around anyone else. I love animals and am able to enter their energy. I love all creatures. I love dogs, especially my Maltese, Lily. She accepts me in all of my incarnations. Music puts me in a beautiful world, where there is no pain, hate, or sadness, only understanding. Dancing is a whole body expression for me. If things had been different when I was young, I would have been a dancer. That about covers it. All those things are are deeply loved and treasured by me. Yes, this is a good book!

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