Monday, September 13, 2010

It Is All I Thought I Had

It is all I thought I had, because that is all I heard. What prompted this statement? I was reading a very beautiful Facebook friends updates today, and not very surprised to see mostly men commenting on how beautiful and young she looked. Does that bother other women as much as that bothers me? Do you know why? Because for most of my life it is all I thought I had, because that is all I heard. Yes, from men mostly, but also women too. My whole worth was built on the foundation of my appearance and how young I was. Then later it became how young I was able to look, as I aged. Now, not so much. And yes, that leaves me feeling that I have no more worth if Im not able to any longer extract a complement out of a mans mouth. I am not even known to exist in their eyes. Why cannot a man look beyond his penis and into the heart and brain of a woman? The hormone arguement is not acceptable to me. We have hormones to learn how to control them and fit into a humane society. It is inhumane to judge something purely on how it looks, what it can do, how it can make you feel, or what it can do for you. That makes it an object devoid of any human significance or worth. I was always more flattered when complimented on my intelligence. Women have so much more to offer than how they look. Its a very intelligent man who knows this to be true. Next time men, think of something else to say other than a comment on appearance (if you can!)

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