Wednesday, October 6, 2010

See The Baby

Ive been thinking alot about this lately. Why are abused children so hated and misunderstood? I know youre going, "what"? "No body does that", right? Every time people judge others, take time to think about where they may have came from. That person was once an innocent child left in the hands of adults who were supposed to love and guide them correctly in life. Not everyone is so lucky. For some, its an accomplishment that they simply survived. Others were led to suicide and still others to abuse of others and even murder. They should know better, right? To someone who cant understand their upbringing this reasoning makes sense. It makes sense to me too, even though I was one of those kids. But many of the abused ones chose another path as I did. They learned something from it and was able to deal with the overwhelming anger and bitterness from their childhood. To those I say, Bless You, for you have truly learned what you came here for.
I would also say to those who were not strong enough or far too damaged to correct their life, I understand. I understand the relentless anger. I understand the bitterness that gnaws away at your soul. I understand the sick joy that is felt when perpetrating upon another, that which you went through when you were too young to process, in order to somehow try to reconcile what happened to you. You were surviving the best way you knew how. How can we judge that person because inside they are still that hurt child, never able to grow up, never able to let go of the pain. Society makes it worse for seeing a devil and not wondering where the child went to. We should try to learn everyones story, even the worst of the worst. Ours is not to condone but to look, see, and understand. Yes, criminals must be put away and punished but we can still understand why it happened. Whats the purpose of this? To prevent it from happening over and over again. We can stop it now. Dont stand around and look the other way when children and women are being abused. If you think it doesnt affect you, you are wrong. It affects society as a whole. You and your children and their children live in this society, and sooner or later will cross the path of a damaged child/adult and may God help you.
I have to add this caveat. I believe there is also evil and I believe it does incarnate in certain individuals. You can tell by what was offered that child and what it did with those gifts. Some people come from wonderful homes with loving parents and still choose to go bad. I cant justify what they do because that doesnt even make sense to me. I dont know why. And dont discount the mentally ill, who through no fault of their own entered into a body that just didnt work right. There are so many degrees of cause that it boggles the mind.
My point is, dont be so quick to think you know it all. There are many extenuating circumstances to everyones life and you are doing them a disservice by not getting to thier story. The moccasin analogy applies here.

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