Saturday, July 24, 2010

Im Touched

It happened again. Last night an energy was stroking my hair. This was not a dream. I was awake. Within this month I have had several experiences, all different. This does not frighten me, just the opposite. I think its cool as hell! I wished I wounldnt have shoed it away. It was a reflex reaction, as when an insect is bothering you. I should have just laid there and let it continue. I wish I would have talked to it. Last night I also heard a male voice, but that was a waking dream. Even though its valid, I have to throw it out, because I dont know if it was dream or real. Im very scientifically minded. I dont just go on blind faith. It has to have some sort of proof involved or make sense to me when added to what I already believe. Ill be the first one to say "prove me wrong". Im not interested in being right. I want the truth.

1 comment:

Angel said...

Ellary, what a wonderful experience. I have not had that happen to me in my sleep, however, it has happened when I asked for it as a sign. It will be interesting seeing what happens the next time you feel this energy.
Peace and blessings