Friday, July 23, 2010

How To Serve Mankind

First of all, lol! Next da Vinci question: How can I best be of service to others? I like this one. I will say that we are all here on earth to serve others. Doesnt matter who you are or what you do. Some of us get paid better than others for being servants, but that gets into a whole other wackadoo I dont want to talk about right now. If you think that you couldnt possibly serve in your given circumstances, youre wrong. An example: A terminally ill child is in the position to give the greatest gift of all. First of all, theres no making any sense of it by the child or any other observer. The child can accept the condition in grace (which they usually do), and everyone learns, they soften, they care, they think about the real meaning of life and perhaps decide not to waste it. This would apply to the mentally ill, the boy raised by wolves, the spoiled brat who doesnt have a clue because theyve never been taught. Of course any one of these individuals can decide to be a troublemaker. That has a whole other set of lessons for the rest of us. You really cant get out of being a teacher. You were born a teacher either in the form of the observer, or in the form of the mirror. And by the way, we do role reversals quite often, so everyone gets to play.
So how can I personalize this? Im following my heart, and that is the heart of an artist. Im doing what Im best at and in doing so, I inspire, excite, and make this world just a little more beautiful. But my ultimate goal has nothing to do with art, and thats to be the best possible role model I can, to give an ear where needed, offer a shoulder to cry on, lend a hand whenever possible, and at all times speak the truth to the best of my knowledge. How to serve mankind? LOVE.

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