Saturday, July 10, 2010

New Book

I have had to move on to a new book, Visioning, 10 Steps to Designing the Life of Your Dreams, by Lucia Capacchione, Ph.D. I plan on finishing da Vinci, but this new book addresses my situation most directly right now. My life has totally changed, leaving me in that scarey, nerve wracking state of in between. Im very clear as to what I want, what I need, but as yet cannot enjoy the fruits of my imaginings. I wish it to hurry up, because I would really prefer a roof over my head, if at all possible. Funny how so many of us take things for granted, like a place to live, some abodes being more glorious than others.
The book starts out with making your dream visable and tangible by making a collage (Really? Whats that? lol). When I was 16, I made my son 4 collages of cut out magazine pictures on big sheets of paper. I had no money for paint or decorations, so I used what I had. I knew even then, that visual and mental stimulation was important in an infants development. Each collage had a theme, I dont remember what it was. Knowing me, I probably made it something that wouldnt be understood till he was 5, like things that begin with A, etc. I also desired to instill in him my love of color and design. I wanted him to take after Mommy. Another day, I will get into where that went, as I dont want to digress.
Anyway, Im no stranger to this idea. I really had made one already, just needs gluing down. So Im anxious to dive into this book and make things start to happen.

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