Friday, August 27, 2010


Ive never done this process for anyone else to read. It was always written in my journal for my own personal way of dealing with very bad circumstances in my life. But I didnt used to blog either so, I will give it a try here and now. I hope I can get over the mental block of knowing this will be seen and offered up for scrutiny by anyone who cares to read this. When I channel, I try not to censor what the answers to my questions are. Here we go.
How can my time be best used right now?
Being prayerful throughout your day. Keep your center as the inner sanctum of a spinning top. The world is all a rush around you, but you are centered in that undisturbed vortex. You see the spinning, but remain unreactive to it because where you exist, it is still.
How do I accomplish this?
By realizing that you cannot own anything, you cannot be something that you are not, you didnt bring it with you, and you cant take it with you. Spirit does not possess matter or ego. To know this, to study this, is how peace can be found and maintained. Isnt your question really, "How can I find peace?"

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